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Nature's Medicine Cabinet

          Man has been using herbs for medicinal purposes for centuries. In fact, over 50 percent of our prescription drugs were derived from herbs.  But just like prescription medications, herbs can be dangerous if you don’t know how to use them.  Foxglove is an extremely poisonous herb, but it is used to make Digitalis, which is prescribed by doctors to strengthen the heart and regulate its beat.  Valium, an anti-anxiety medication, is made from valerian.  But, if you had foxglove or valerian, you wouldn’t know how to prepare them to treat these ailments, nor would you know how much to take.  Years ago, herbs were all we had to use as remedies for many ailments. And now, very few people know much about how to use herbs to treat common ailments.

          It may be necessary in the future to know about these natural remedies that God has put on the earth for our use.  Our society is so over-medicated that I don’t know what will happen if there ever comes a time when we can’t get the medication that we need.  There are so many people who take medication for things like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.  We need to know about the common herbs that can be used to treat common ailments and how to prepare them.  That is the purpose of our Nature’s Medicine Cabinet page.  It is a work in progress.  You can identify the herb by its picture and read about the medicinal uses.  Eventually, you will be able to click on the picture and go to a page with lots of information about the herb and how to prepare tinctures and oils, etc to use as remedies.  Medical ailments are highlighted so you can locate them more easily.

          If you are new to herbs and their uses, check out this handy reference that lists ailments and the herbs used to treat them.

A-F Herbs and Ailments Chart              G-Z Herbs and Ailments Chart

Herb                                                         Medicinal Uses

Aloe Vera
Aloe is widely used in folk medicine, both as a liniment and as a drink, to reduce the swelling and pain of arthritis and rheumatism. Diabetics in the Arabian peninsula eat aloe to control their blood sugar levels. A clinical study did find that when volunteers who were not insulin dependent took half a teaspoon daily for 4-14 weeks, their fasting blood sugar levels were reduced by half, with no change in body weight.
Burdock is one of the foremost detoxifying herbs in both Chinese and Western herbal medicine. The dried root of one year old plants is the official herb, but the leaves and fruits can also be used. It is used to treat conditions caused by an 'overload' of toxins, such as throat and other infections, boils, rashes and other skin problems. The root is thought to be particularly good at helping to eliminate heavy metals from the body. It has soothing, mucilaginous properties and is said to be one of the most certain cures for many types of skin diseases, burns, bruises etc. It is used in the treatment of herpes, eczema, acne, impetigo, ringworm, boils, bites etc.
Cayenne is the preferred species of Capsicum for medicinal use. Those in climates that eat more hot peppers have less chronic obstructive lung disease than those on blander diets. Externally, cayenne makes an excellent liniment for poor circulation, unbroken chilblains, sprains and painful joints. Internally, small doses of cayenne stimulate the appetite and act as an internal cleanser. Cayenne brings blood and body heat to the surface, stimulating sweating and cooling the body. It regulates the blood flow, equalizing and strengthening the heart, arteries, capillaries and nerves. It is a good tonic and is specific for the circulatory and digestive system. It may be used in flatulent dyspepsia and colic. It is used for treating debility and for warding off colds. Eating hot peppers temporarily boosts the body’s metabolic rate by about 25%. Cayenne acts as an energy stimulant, slightly encouraging the adrenals to produce cortisone.
German Chamomile
German chamomile has been taken for digestive problems since at least the 1st century AD. Gentle and efficacious, it is very suitable for children. The herb is valuable for pain, indigestion, acidity, gas, gastritis, bloating, and colic. It is also used for hiatus hernia, peptic ulcer, Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome. German chamomile, which contains spiroether and bisabolol, very strong antispasmodics, relax tense, aching muscles and eases menstrual pain. It also appears to have relaxing action on the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract.  Chamomile also may help prevent stomach ulcers and speed their healing. In one experiment, two groups of animals were fed a chemical known to cause ulcers. Those also given chamomile developed significantly fewer. Then the animals who developed ulcers were divided into two groups. Those fed chamomile recovered more quickly. It also relieves irritability and promotes sleep, especially in children. German chamomile is useful for hay fever and asthma. The proazulenes in the herb produce chamazulene on steam distillation, which is markedly anti-allergenic. Externally, it can be applied to sore, itchy skin and eczema. It also relieves eyestrain. A cream made from German chamomile was tested in 1987 for its ability to heal wounds and produced very good results. Apply it externally for disinfecting and anti-inflammatory treatments in the form of packs, baths, and compresses using a strong tea, diluted chamomile tincture or a liquid chamomile extract. In 1993, a trial using German chamomile and 4 other herbs showed them to be most effective at easing infantile colic. Historically, chamomile poultices have been placed on cancers, and its sesquiterpene lactones do show immune system-stimulating and anti-tumor activity. Inflamed oral mucosa can also be treated with chamomile tea. For stomatitis, an uncomfortable inflammation of the mouth’s mucous membranes, and canker sores, the mouth is rinsed with the tea or a liquid chamomile extract into one glass of water. Due to its antispasmodic properties Chamomile is a good remedy for all cramping pains, especially for abdominal cramping in children. At the same time it has a carminative effect of relieving flatulence. In pediatric medicine chamomile is used as a tea or syrup. The effect can be increased by placing a hot chamomile pad on the painful area. To treat cramps, mix equal parts of chamomile flowers and silverweed to make a tea. Chamomile is a classic remedy for teething pains in children.
Comfrey leaves and especially the root contain allantoin, a cell proliferant that increases the healing of wounds. It also stops bleeding, is soothing, and is certainly the most popular ingredient in herbal skin sales for wounds, inflammation, rashes, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and just about any skin problem. Taken internally, comfrey repairs the digestive tract lining, helping to heal peptic and duodenal ulcers and colitis. Studies show it inhibits prostaglandins, which cause inflammation of the stomach lining. Comfrey has been used to treat a variety of respiratory diseases and is a specific when these involve coughing of blood. In cases of bleeding of the lungs, stomach or bowels the leaves or root should be made into a strong decoction, or a strong infusion of the leaves and regular hourly or two hourly drinks taken until the bleeding ceases. The root is stronger and more effective than the leaves. In the case of bleeding piles the addition of distilled extract of Witch Hazel to the infusion or decoction will increase the effectiveness. To aid in the cure of mucous colitis mix equal parts of comfrey leaves, agrimony herb, cranesbill herb and marshmallow herb, use one ounce of the mixed herbs, make an infusion and take a wineglassful at least three times daily.  The leaves moisten the lungs, help dissolve and expel mucus, soothe the throatlowers fever, relieve cough and treat asthma. It is applied externally as a poultice and taken internally to promote healing of injured tissues and bones. Dosage of the tincture is 10-30 drops The root is used to treat chronic lung diseases with dry cough and inflammation, sore throat, pulmonary catarrh, stomach ulcers, and wasting diseases. It is excellent both internally and externally for promoting the healing of sores, bones, muscles and other tissues, and is as powerful as some of the best oriental tonic herbs.

Dandelion contains much that is beneficial to our bodies: bitter compounds, choline, inulin, large quantities of minerals such as calcium, sodium, silicic acid, sulfur and, in the fresh leaves, a high content of potassium. The bitter compounds stimulate the appetite and promote digestion. Choline affects the gallbladder and the intestines, often stimulating the mucous membranes of the large intestine in a laxative effect. It also has a relationship to the liver’s lipid metabolism. Our daily requirement of choline is 2-3 grams and a lack of it increases fatty degeneration of the
liver. Dandelion can promote bile production in the liver and its secretion from the liver.  Dandelion root is a "blood purifier" that helps both the kidneys and the liver to improve elimination. It helps clear up many eczema-like skin problems because of this. The root has also been successfully used to treat liver diseases such as jaundice and cirrhosis along with dyspepsia and gallbladder problems. Its use as a diuretic is favorable because it replaces the potassium that most diuretics remove. It's the herb of choice for treating rheumatism, gout and heart disease as well as regulating hormonal imbalances. Fresh latex removes warts if applied several times daily. The Chinese have prescribed it since ancient times to treat colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, boils, ulcers, obesity, dental problems, itching, and internal injuries. A poultice of chopped dandelion was also used to treat breast cancer. Traditional Ayurvedic physicians used the herb in a similar manner. Recent research shows a wide number of possibilities using dandelion. It's diuretic property can make it useful in relieving the bloated feeling of PMS and in help with weight loss. One study shows dandelion inhibits the growth of the fungus responsible for vaginal yeast infections. It stimulates bile production and prevents gallstones. There is a German preparation Chol-Grandelat (a combination of dandelion, milk thistle and rhubarb) prescribed for gallbladder disease. Traditional formulas: dandelion and barberry; dandelion and parsley;
dandelion and purslane For liver and gall-bladder problems: couchgrass or yarrow.


Carvone is a carminative. Limonene and phellandrene--an irritant found in oil of dill and many other essential oils--are photosensitizers. Dill seed improves digestion and appetite and sweetens the breath. The oil kills bacteria and relieves flatulence. It is frequently used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicines for indigestion, fevers, ulcers, uterine pains and kidney and eye problems. Ethiopians chew the leaves along with fennel to treat headaches and gonorrhea. In Vietnam it is used to treat intestinal diseases. Contemporary herbalists recommend chewing the seeds for bad breath and drinking dill tea both as a digestive aid and to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers. The herb helps relax the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. One study shows it's also an antifoaming agent, meaning it helps prevent the formation of intestinal gas bubbles.

Echinacea root is a popular medicinal herb because it activates the body’s immune system, increasing the chance of fighting off almost any disease. It is very nontoxic. Clinical studies show that extracts improve white blood cell count and create other immune responses. Echinacin, found in Echinacea, stops bacteria from forming the hyaluronidase enzyme, which helps make cells more susceptible to infection. It is a mild natural antibiotic, 6 milligrams of one glycoside equals 1 unit of penicillin, that is effective against strep and staph infections.


Eucalyptus leaves are a traditional Aboriginal herbal remedy. The leaves are distilled to produce eucalyptol, which is used internally to treat bronchitis, tuberculosis, and nose and throat inflammations. Vapor made by boiling the leaves, bark, or roots, or distilling them in water has been used as an inhalant for diphtheria, coughs, and respiratory ailments. Leaf poultices have been used to bring abscesses to a head. The leaves have been prepared for internal use to treat intestinal worms. A tea made from the leaves is a good treatment for coughs, colds, flu, croup, pneumonia and asthma. The essential oil found in the leaves is a powerful antiseptic and is used all over the world for relieving coughs and colds, sore throats and other infections. The essential oil is a common ingredient in many over-the-counter cold remedies. Extracts of the leaves have antibacterial activity. The antibiotic properties of the oil increase when it is old, because ozone is formed in it on exposure to air. It has a decided disinfectant action, destroying the lower forms of life. The oil can be used externally, applied to cuts, skin infections etc, it can also be inhaled for treating blocked nasal passages, it can be gargled for sore throat and can also be taken internally for a wide range of complaints. An oleo- resin is exuded from the tree. It can also be obtained from the tree by making incisions in the trunk. This resin contains tannin and is powerfully astringent, it is used internally in the treatment of diarrhea and bladder inflammation, externally it is applied to cuts etc. The oil is one of the most powerful antiseptics. It may be combined with olive or sesame oil. As an ointment, rub it directly on the chest or back to relieve congestion in the lungs. An emulsion is made by combining equal parts of the oil with powdered slippery elm or gum Arabic and water. After being well shaken, the mixture is taken internally in teaspoon doses for tuberculosis and other infections and inflammations of the lungs. The oil is rubbed over aching muscles or trauma sites to stimulate circulation and relieve pain and blood congestion. A simple external ointment or balm is made by mixing the oil with heated paraffin and sufficient melted bee’s wax to harden to the desired consistency.


It stimulates metabolism, and is used both for chronic and acute diseases; has both tonic and alterative properties; counteracts lower back and joint pains, arthritis and rheumatism. It also treats weak digestion, genito-urinary diseases, lung and bronchial infections and mucous conditions. In Ayurveda it is considered a rejuvenative for both kapha (water) and vata (air). Garlic cloves may be taken internally both as a preventative and as a treatment for all intestinal worms. Blend with a little sesame or olive oil, it may be used externally. However, its strong odor may repel humans as well as parasites. A single dose is three to five cloves in infusion or taken raw. This is repeated three to six times a day until the problem is resolved. Garlic is good for amoebic dysentery. Enemas of garlic are also helpful. It is an effective antibiotic for staphylococcus, streptococcus and salmonella bacteria and is effective against bacteria that are resistant to standard antibiotic drugs. It is a good antifungal for the treatment of candida albicans yeast infections. For the treatment of pinworms, it should be made into a paste with olive oil or the bruised clove inserted directly into the rectum. For vaginitis and leucorrhea, one or two bruised cloves wrapped in muslin are inserted into the vagina. As an oil or vinegar, it can be used to treat ear and mouth infections. Researchers noted some success in treating deep fungal infections, whooping cough, lead poisoning, and some carcinomas. Even appendicitis was improved in a number of studies. Studies of factory workers found that garlic not only detoxified harmful levels of lead from the blood, it seemed to prevent its accumulation in the first place. Subjects who ate garlic for six months found that their “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels went down, while their “good” HDL cholesterol levels increased. Garlic also helps normalize systolic blood pressure levels and can sustain them up to 24 hours. Many cultures turn to garlic to control mild diabetes. The natural killer cells of the immune system are dramatically activated by garlic. The fresher the garlic, the better it works. Garlic oil capsules work better than dried garlic powder.

Ginseng appears to stimulate the immune system of both animals and humans. It revs up the white blood cells (macrophages and natural killer cells) that devour disease-causing microorganisms. Ginseng also spurs production of interferon, the body’s own virus-fighting chemical, and antibodies, which fight bacterial and viral infections. It reduces cholesterol, according to several American studies. It also increases good cholesterol. Ginseng has an anti-clotting effect, which reduces the risk of blood clots. It reduces blood sugar levels. Ginseng protects the liver from the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol, and other toxic substances. In a pilot human study, ginseng improved liver function in 24 elderly people suffering from cirrhosis. Ginseng can minimize cell damage from radiation. In two studies, experimental animals were injected with various protective agents, then subjected to doses of radiation similar to those used in cancer radiation therapy. Ginseng provided the best protection against damage to healthy cells, suggesting value during cancer radiation therapy.
The root is warming to the body, is slightly antiseptic and promotes internal secretions. Chop about 2 inches of the fresh root, cover with one cup of water, and simmer for about 20 minutes or 1⁄2 teaspoon of the powdered root can be simmered in one cup of water. Add lemon juice, honey, and a slight pinch of cayenne. A few teaspoons of brandy will make an even more effective remedy for colds. This preparation treats fevers, chest colds and flu. A bath or a foot-soak in hot ginger tea is also beneficial. The tea without additives helps indigestion, colic, diarrhea and alcoholic gastritis. Dried ginger in capsules or in juice is taken to avoid carsickness, seasickness and morning sickness. Use about 1⁄2 teaspoon of the powder (2 capsules) 30 minutes before departure and then one to two more as symptoms begin to occur. Works well for dogs and children. Ginger is also seen as being useful for controlling and relieving the nausea that can result from cancer chemotherapy. Ginger contains zingibain, a special kind of proteolytic enzyme that has the ability to chemically break down protein. Clinical studies have shown that proteolytic enzymes have anti-inflammatory properties. They also play an additional role in controlling autoimmune disease. They help reduce blood levels of compounds known as immune complexes. Ginger is also well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Indian and Scandinavian studies have consistently shown that ginger is useful for treating most kinds of arthritis. It also contains more than 12 antioxidants. It can be taken as a tea, tincture or capsule Ginger actually gives other herbs a boost by improving the body’s ability to assimilate them. Ginger actually protects herbal compounds from being destroyed by the liver and continue circulating in the blood for a longer time. It also improves the intestines’ absorption of other herbs. Helps reduce serum cholesterol levels, reduces tendency towards blood clots. Aids circulation (including peripheral circulation). Stimulates vasomotor (producing contraction and dilation in walls of vessels) and respiratory center of the central nervous system. Ginger has long been used in eastern Africa for killing intestinal parasites. Researchers discovered that all 42 components in ginger essential oil kill roundworms, among other parasites. Some of these compounds were more effective than the commonly prescribed drug piperatzine citrate.

Early American medicine primarily used goldenseal root for treating uterine lining inflammation, but it is now considered valuable for treating any infection, inflammation and congestion of mucous-lining areas, such as the lungs, throat, digestive tract and sinuses. It dries and cleanses the mucous membranes inhibiting excessive flow. It counteracts inflammation, regulates
menses, aids digestion, treats liver diseases, cleanses the blood and counters infection. It
also is a stimulant to the uterine muscles, contracts the blood vessels and inhibits excessive bleeding. Golden seal is effective against flu, fevers and infections of all kinds; and in treating hemorrhoids, vaginal yeast infection and as an eyewash for inflamed eyes. It also alleviates gastro-enterities, indigestion, gas and heartburn; and is effective in treating amoebic dysentery (giardia) when used over a 10 day period. The primary constituents are hydrastine and berberine. Similar in action, they lower blood pressure and destroy many types of bacterial and viral infections.
Goldenseal salve helps to heal herpes, ringworm, impetigo, hemorrhoids, canker sores, and inflamed gums. The powdered root is sniffed for sinus congestion or gargled for sore throat, and a strong and well strained eyewash is used for conjunctivitis. The tea also makes an effective  douche for thrush and trichomonas. The dried rhizome possesses cytotoxic activity, indicating it is useful against viruses. A bitter digestive, goldenseal stimulates appetite and bile production and it
also helps in the treatment of severe diarrhea caused by various diseases, including cholera.
Berberine effectively treats intestinal parasites, including giardia, a threat to campers and those
living in rural areas. It proved as effective as, and sometimes even better than, the established
drugs. It is also used to help restore patients after long bouts with fevers and flus. Goldenseal is a beneficial but overused herb. Herbalists find it most effective used to treat an active infection, then discontinued, since it does not show the long-range adaptogenic actions of ginseng. The rumor that goldenseal can mask urine tests for drugs is untrue.


The juice from the broken stem is a well-known folk remedy for poison ivy rash. It also works on poison oak. Can be frozen into small ice cubes and used. Also relieves the pain of insect bites, nettle stings, burns, sprains, ringworm and various skin diseases. The juice is also made into an
ointment for hemorrhoids, warts and corns. It used to be taken for jaundice and asthma.
Jewelweed tea has a foul taste and is emetic, cathartic and diuretic. Remedy: Simmer leaves and stems in a large pot of water, which will burn clear to medium dark brown. Bottle or freeze.
Ointment: Simmer a small amount of jewelweed in light vegetable oil (any except olive oil) for 10-15 minutes. Use only a small handful of stems per quart of oil. Strain out the herb, add a handful of beeswax to thicken it, and heat until melted. Add more oil orbeeswax as needed. Break open one oil-soluble vitamin E capsule, add and cool. Lasts months if refrigerated.

Kava Kava
The kava lactones have a depressant effect on the central nervous system and are antispasmodic. Research sows that kawain, in particular, is sedative. The kava lactones also have an anesthetic effect on the lining of the urinary tubules and the bladder. The results of a clinical trial in Germany published in 1990 revealed that kawain is as effective as benzodiazepene in helping to
relieve anxiety. Kava’s analgesic and cleansing diuretic effect often makes it beneficial for
treating rheumatic and arthritic problems such as gout. The herb helps to bring relief from
pain and to remove waste products from the affected joint. Kava is a safe and proven remedy for anxiety that does not cause drowsiness or affect the user’s ability to operate machinery. It may be taken long term to help relieve chronic stress, and its combination of anxiety-relieving and
muscle-relaxant properties makes it of value for treating muscletension as well as emotional stress. With its tonic, strengthening, and mildly analgesic properties, kava kava is a good remedy for chronic pain, helping to reduce sensitivity and to relax muscles that are tensed in response to
pain. It has an antiseptic action and in the past it was used specifically to treat venereal
disease, especially gonorrhea. Although it is no longer generally applied in this way, it is a
valuable urinary antiseptic, helping to counter urinary infections and to settle an irritable
bladder. Absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is remarkably rapid, so the effects are felt
almost immediately.


Since Hippocrates' day licorice has been prescribed for dropsy because it does, indeed, prevent thirst--probably the only sweet thing that does. The chief medicinal action of licorice is as a demulcent and emollient. Its soothing properties make it excellent in throat and chest complaints and it is a very common ingredient in throat pastilles and cough mixtures. It is also widely used in
other medicines to counteract bitter tastes and make them more palatable. Recent research
has shown that it has a pain-killing effect on stomach ulcers and prolonged use raises the
blood pressure. Medicinally the dried peeled root has been decocted to allay coughs, sore
throat, laryngitis, and urinary and intestinal irritations. The root is expectorant, diuretic,
demulcent, antitussive, anti-inflammatory, and mildly laxative. It has proven helpful in
inflammatory upper respiratory disease, Addison's disease, and gastric and duodenal ulcers. Side effects may develop in ulcer treatment. Licorice may increase venous and systolic arterial pressure causing some people to experience edema, and hypertension. In some countries, licorice has been used to treat cancers. Licorice stick, the sweet earthy flavored stolons, are chewed. Licorice chew
sticks blackened Napoleon's teeth. In the 1940s Dutch physicians tested licorice's reputation as
an aid for indigestion. They came up with a derivative drug, carbenoxolone, that promised
to help peptic ulcer patients by either increasing the life span of epithelial cells in the stomach or inhibiting digestive activity in general. Many cures were achieved in the experiments, but negative side effects--the patients' faces and limbs swelled uncomfortably--outweighed the cures. Certain agents in licorice have recently been credited with antibacterial and mild antiviral effects; licorice may be useful in treating dermatitis, colds, and infections. It also has been used in a medicinal dandruff shampoo. Other modern-day research found that the herb can reduce arthritic activity.

The leaves of passion flower are an ingredient in many European pharmaceutical products to treat nervous disorders, such as heart palpitations, anxiety, convulsions, epilepsy and sometimes high
blood pressure. They have been shown to make a nonaddictive sedative that relaxes the nervous system. Passion flower seems especially helpful when physical or mental strain results in insomnia or stress. While it is not a strong pain reliever and it may take a while for its effects to be noticed, it seems to
have a lasting and refreshing effect on the nervous system. It is used to prevent spasms from whooping cough, asthma, and other diseases. The dried herb is also used for Parkinson’s disease, hysteria, and shingles. The unusual fruit has been historically considered to be a sedative.

Peppermint is used for colds, flu, fevers, gas and mild digestive disorders. Peppermint also contains antioxidants that help prevent cancer, heart disease and other diseases associated with aging. From Jim Duke’s “Green Pharmacy” comes a Stone Tea for gallstone attack: brew a mint tea from as many
mints as possible especially spearmint and peppermint and add some cardamom, the richest source of borneol, another compound that is helpful. When prepared whole (1 1 stem in 1 cup water, in a decoction to be inhaled, it clears the respiratory tract. The oil of peppermint has been shown to be antimicrobial and antiviral against Newcastle disease, herpes simplex, vaccinia, Semliki Forest and West Nile viruses. Menthol is an allergic sensitizer that may cause hives. The menthol in oil of
peppermint is an effective local anesthetic. It increases the sensitivity of the receptors in the skin that perceive the sensation of coolness and reduces the sensitivity of the receptors that perceive pain and itching. Menthol is also a counterirritant, an agent that causes the small blood vessels under the skin to dilate, increasing the flow of blood to the area and making the skin feel warm. When you apply a
skin lotion made with menthol, your skin feels cool for a minutes, then warm. Menthol’s anesthetic properties also make it useful in sprays and lozenges for sore throats.

Studies show rosemary leaves increase circulation, reduce headaches and fight bacterial and fungal infections. It is considered one of the strongest natural antioxidents. The flavonoid diosmin strengthens fragile blood vessels, possibly even more effectively than rutin. German pharmacies sell rosemary ointment to rub on nerve and rheumatic pains and for heart problems. A traditional European
treatment for those suffering from poor circulation due to illness or lack of exercise is to drink rosemary extracted into white wine. Rosemary contains many compounds that are reported to prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine in the brain, usually a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. Several if not all can be absorbed through the skin, and some probably cross the blood-brain barrier so using
a using a final rinse of vinegar with rosemary essential oil added may be beneficial in prevention. Of these antioxidants, at least four are known cataract fighters and Japanese researchers find it promising for removing wrinkles. Rosemary is recommended for flatulence, heartburn and as a digestive. It
improves food absorption by stimulating digestion and the liver, intestinal tract and gallbladder. It is also used to inhibit kidney and bladder-stone formation. Studies on rosemary conducted in Paraguay how that it almost completely inhibits the enzyme urease which contributes to kidney stone formation. It makes an antiseptic gargle for sore throats, gum problems and canker sores. Researchers
speculate that rosemarinic acid might even be a good treatment for septic shock. In addition, it
inhibited, although didn't destroy, 87% of the cancer cells tested in a laboratory study. Asthma sufferers used to smoke it with coltsfoot and eat bread that had been baked over rosemary wood.


It is used to treat stomach ache, accumulation of gas in the intestine, dysentery, lack of appetite, colds, coughing, sore throat, chest pains, high blood pressure, getting rid of Athlete's foot, healing wounds and to generally strengthen the body. Externally it is used as a mouthwash or gargle for inflammations of the mouth and throat, and as a mouthwash for bad breath. For problems of the upper respiratory tract. The tea (mixed with the leaves of Salvia pomifera) is sold in coffee shops as "Spatsia" or "faskomelo" and is regarded as a good general tonic, good for the brain, senses and memory and also beneficial in cases of tonsillitis, sore throats, bronchitis and respiratory infections in general. It also has good expectorant action and is said to be good for stomach, nerves and blood. Leaves are infused for chanomilia (Cypress). Internally used for influenza, coughs, and rheumatic pains. The leaves are also used internally in the treatment of menstrual problems, infertility,
Tea Tree

Tea tree is a traditional Aboriginal remedy. The leaves are crushed, and either inhaled or used in infusions for coughs, colds, and skin infections. Tea tree oil or cream can be applied to skin infections such as athlete’s foot and ringworm, as well as to corns, warts, acne and boils, infected burns, scrapes, wounds, insect bites and stings and other skin conditions. It very efficacious in the treatment of urinary tract disorders. It’s anti-fungal action works well on athlete's foot, ringworm, warts, corns, abscesses. Use in cream or 5% vegetable oil, or applied undiluted. Also effective and soothing on cold sores. Applied diluted in vegetable oil at 5%. Use gargle for mouth ulcers, toothache, and bad gums.

Wormwood leaves’ primary use is to stimulate the gallbladder, help prevent, and release stones, and to adjust resulting digestive problems. Clinical studies with volunteers proved that wormwood does
effectively increase bile. It expels roundworms and threadworms, probably due to is sesquiterpene lactones. It is also a muscle relaxer that is occasionally added to liniments, especially for rheumatism. Members of the Bedouin African tribe place the antiseptic leaves inside their nostrils as a decongestant
and drink it for coughs. Wormwood is an extremely useful medicine for those with weak and underactive digestions. It increases stomach acid and bile production and therefore improves digestion
and the absorption of nutrients, making it helpful for many conditions including anemia. It also eases gas and bloating, and if the tincture is taken regularly, it slowly strengthens the digestion and helps the body return to full vitality after a prolonged illness.

Due to the flavonoids they contain, yarrow flowers encourage circulation, lower blood pressure and help stop bleeding anywhere in the body. A couple of cups of hot yarrow, peppermint and elder flower tea is an old remedy for reducing fevers and treating colds, measles, and eruptive diseases. It also
helps relieve urinary tract infections and stones. The tea benefits the kidneys. Cramps and
rheumatism are treated with the tea, as are intestinal gas, diarrhea, anorexia and hyperacidity. In China, yarrow is used in poultices and to ease stomach ulcers. It is said to stop excessive blood flower especially well in the pelvic region, so is used to decrease excessive menstruation, postpartum bleeding, and hemorrhoids. Chewing the fresh leaves relieves toothache. Yarrow contains a chemical
also present in chamomile and chamazulene, that helps relax the smooth muscle tissue of the
digestive tract, making it an antispasmodic. Yarrow can be taken in the form of herbal tea, tincture, fresh juice or medicinal wine. It can be used in a bath or on compresses. Sensitive people should perform a patch test before using the fresh juice on their skin. The tea is most effective when ingested
in small sips throughout the day. A course of treatment with Yarrow should not last over four
weeks, during which time the patient should avoid wine and coffee if possible. The fresh juice has a stronger effect than the tea.